

Maker of Things, Player of Cos, Teacher of Science, Jack of All Trades. Master of Nonsense. He/They

フォロー数:286 フォロワー数:99

I have been behind. Oops. But I just finished editing the latest episode of When it comes out later this week, you can meet out guest .

They are a delight to listen to and were wonderful to work with. Check them out on Twitter, IG and Twitch!

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Just wondering, does anyone actually discuss their salary, even with your peers, or is that still too taboo even for those that want to reign in capitalism?

I’ve always been fascinated by the psychology of this discussion.

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I did not plan it, but a student pointed out that the day we introduce gravity (9.8m/s^2) happens to be 9/8.

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Awesome Sokka easter egg coming in season 3, just FYI.

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a kindred spirit. 😂 Want to play Yoshi’s Wooly World again?

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Teacher schedule and getting older apparently means that you wake up at 7:30am on weekends regardless of when you went to bed. I have sleep I need to catch up on that I missed earlier in the week. It’s not insomnia, just really poor timing.

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