

nsfw | sfw🤷🏾‍♂️ artist just doodlin sometimes takes me a few days tho lol |23|

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Hyello folks, even though I'm a new new on the map artist here's some more stuff to look at TATTOO DESIGNS I'm hoping to come up with a comms list in the near future as well

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Huh no wonder didn't like my lady tweet I forgot to put the fucking photo up🤦🏾‍♂️ God damnit happy belated belated birthday Jesus I'm sorry

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def almost posted this then realized I forgot the hearts but got that fixed enjoy

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Listen I swear I'm picking up on posting art on the twitter just gimme a bit of time

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Nigga just post ya new girl while ya ex stalks you bro

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Wip but this most def was inspired by 👀 a literal goddess at the work

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How long does it usually take you to draw some stuff cuz this alone took me all night while I was working to do?

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