

Freelance artist/graphic designer. I love art, birds, aquatic life and all things forest! She/her. The Elder Scrolls enthusiast. @mlemcolm 👉❤️

フォロー数:110 フォロワー数:607

Battle of Red Mountain, circa 700 1E

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Is it 13th already?
Happy Birthday , no matter winner or not this year you were the winner of everyone’s heart <3

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Commission for argonian-alchemist​ on tumblr

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A commission painting for mephalasmirk on tumblr
Vehk and Ayem

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Now this is a reminder

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how do you whip people to death?? I can't figure it out gotta redraw

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skyrim remastered HAHA
I think it got better
it's still SHIT
can't believe I was that shit in November
oh well

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warm light-cool shadow (pwetty OwO) or cool light-warm shadow (authentic)?

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complete failure I'm disgusted with
should've thought before drawing
i'm gonna draw something nice after tomorrow's exam ok i promise

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