

He/Him 🇵🇭 - @Twitch Partner - Speedrunner - Business Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:1255 フォロワー数:1033

But forreals, I believe it in you and your ability to make awesome stuff. I'll be there when you start putting stuff out!

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New 2D Metroid would actually be pretty Pog.

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Got some new emotes done by the the amazing . 100% recommend him if you need any sort of art done! Pretty much has done most of my art for the channel 😄

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HOLD ON! I never said I was bad at Overwatch just had a some bad games I'd like to think I'm pretty good at the game but that just to keep me sane...

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Call Of Duty is still as TOXIC as ever. Fun game but I think ill pass i get enough toxicity as it is from my current games I play.

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What better way to feel better than to play some salt filled Overwatch, Will on later tonight.

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