

just a devil with love to spare
West Virginia Artist

フォロー数:270 フォロワー数:312

Attacks with cat friends
Can become a VERY cute dragon
Demonic Combo
Excellent Nails

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When I was a kid Ibuki was my favorite but now i'm feelin Tessa more than ever

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I'm trying to keep these thoughtful, but honestly just LOOK at 's work and tell me you can keep a cohesive thought that isnt screaming "BEAUTIFUL! DEVIL! LADIES!" They know how to make sexiness look FUN and POWERFUL. Everyone is OWNING IT in their work!

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I've never been brave enough to apply for zines, but is in a few and i think that takes hella courage and self discipline! His art looks this cool online, i cant imagine how extra great it looks printed!

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I just discovered not long ago and im so so enamored with their work. ZBrush??? Can you BELIEVE this? I hope they have lots of success in the future!

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Love 's curvy, expressive art. All of their sketchy lines culminating to give LIFE to their characters is so rad. Nothing seems out of place in the chaos, it just gives this great sense of movement!

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This dude's work is so cool. reminds me a lot of the old punk scene I used to run around in. He can deliver you a serious message while also serving you fun designs

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When I think BIG. I think
BIG muscles, BIG style, BIG kindness! MT has been one of my inspirations for nearly a whole decade now. She's polished her signature style over the years and I cant wait to see where she ends up art-wise at this rate!

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TALK ABOUT SMOOTH! 's lineart is out of this world. Everything she draws is so fun and that MYSTIFYING LINE WEIGHT VARIATION is just to die for!

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