You gotta take life bit by bit 🐌
Working fulltime, running a small business, and being a fulltime mom can get exhausting super fast but it's important to take a step back and see how far you've come
Jenn - I asked Sara to feed my cats one night cause I was coming home super late and the onslaught of texts I got from her 😂
She ran out of my apartment so fast she left the key inside and somehow managed to get my chillest cat to hiss at her
To follow up on the Mister Cloud rug ...
A crab rug is also in the works!
We'll be revealing more art for future potential rug designs as we get closer to a possible release date 👀
Whenever I listen to the Maplestory sound track I'm in a place of peace and zen~
Lots of good times on the pre-bigbang maplestory, but I still play occasionly on the current servers!
Is anyone else still on the nostalgia hype train for Maplestory or were you a Ragnorak child