

Adderall Acolyte

フォロー数:2092 フォロワー数:14271

Crawdaunt says "Believe in yourself! Leave the intruders skewered in your yard as a warning to others."

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For my funeral I want my family to hire a professional clown, and a professional mime. I want them to carry my body and lower me into the ground. The mime will bury me with a mime shovel. It will be extremely funny when the clown honks my nose before closing the casket.

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My favorite pokemon is Gardevoir and my favorite type is Fairy because I HATE ALL DRAGONS THEY DESERVE ONLY DEATH AAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Every single time I make a post about Doc's feet in the Back 4 Blood steam forum it is deleted almost instantly. why am I not allowed to respectfully comment on her feet size, smell, and taste? There is no rule against it. You are unfairly silencing me.

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You all thought he was fucking stupid. WELL WHO IS LAUGHING NOW

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I got concussed today. My brain 🧠 is cute and smooth, not wrinkled and gross like yours. But now it hurty ;-; 😢

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