

Adderall Acolyte

フォロー数:2090 フォロワー数:20252

Why didn't people like Dark Souls 2? I remember when it was still being played it was shit on constantly. Now that the series is done, I still hear people talk about it like the Black Sheep of the bunch.

1 8

the handjob lady is out of handjobs to give for the day

2 13

I remember one time my manager tried to get me fired cause I called in sick but she had seen me in the store earlier that morning, so I must have been lying.

I was buying medicine bitch. Still think about this.

3 23

This my oc laura the caliber

She has really large gun for fighting >:)

0 3

This is the nost accurate portrayal of the current state of the armed forces I have ever seen.

4 30

blowdart hollow but he is too embarrassed to shoot you

1 8

this is what an anime girl looks like when she sprains her ankle

0 21

Man who got lost inside Walmart kindly escorted home by Combat Loli.

4 27

(she doesnt like what she sees)


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