

Level 24 • Male • Eng/中文/Malay • Software Engineer • Draw sometimes

フォロー数:166 フォロワー数:300

Oh wow didn’t know u have a Twitter lul

0 2

Congratulations! Now road to 10k!

0 2

Gotta practice more on background ngl. Im kinda bad lul.

27 116

My face is like this all the time. I looked dead ;)

0 15

Took quite a while with this piece cause I’m not really experienced with painting.

Ranok from visual novel
Character by

28 159

My processes on the past art I made. Was planning to stop at the third with some simple shade but idk looks too simple so ended up painting it lol.

1 12

I don’t know how to make a good smile anymore so I practice a lot when I’m alone lol

3 25

どうして... みんな嘘…

1 9

Juno the Summoner. Inspired by Final Fantasy X.

9 35