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@allanflores @arc11_theforce @CTercermundista Uso el texto para hacer una satira
El problema no es usar texto en si, sino llenar la viñeta con este para explicar obviedades, ademas de que en su mayoria lo q hace es resaltar lo obvio en lugar de hacer una satira con los temas que toca, es demasiado centrista en ese aspecto
@arc11_theforce @CTercermundista Como Stonetoss:
2 imagenes valen mas que mil globos de texto
@RenaEagleblue99 Tranquilo Rena, ya lo arregle.......aunque creo que lo arregle demasiado
@TheArcaneGolem @kianamaiart Bro, What The Actual Fuck Is This Shit? You said you fixed it but also missed 2 spots and made her a white eyebrow, unbelievable
@stephanierg73 @Jovviial @chao_gamer if white people have more representation, maybe is because they made those shows in a time where they were mayority, if black people want representation then let them make their own shows, DON'T IGNORE the already existing black characters, and RESPECT the ones they already have
@Jovviial @chao_gamer @kianamaiart You're damn right, if you're uncomfortable with changing the skin tone of a character, that's RACIST, i mean, imagine being offended for some beauty's like these right?