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4 albums that came out when I was 14. These are a few of my faves. https://t.co/I34ky8Z3Dm

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These four cassettes had a permanent place in the car that I drove in high school, always on a rotated repeat cycle. https://t.co/qhpJz06Ckh

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Schools are closed here in NC. Joking with a friend about spending the next two (or more?) weeks inside with my little guy, an awesome, lovable, but very active and talkative kid.

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“A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”
— Stephen Crane, War Is Kind and Other Poems / — Unknown, Anguished Man

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Watched a video of my 1st game w/the campaign I’m in. Gave my character a backstory that evoked a pretty good reaction at reveal. If you aren’t thinking WTF?! when reading my stuff/playing with me then I try to revise. I like throwing unexpected gobsmacks. Even dumb ones 😄

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Sometimes the scariest stories we read as kids were the ones we were only on the verge of understanding but not quite there yet.

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