

The strength of the team is each member, and the strength of each member is the team.

Paladins Partner

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:486

Custom Golden Old Grohk
First part of video with old Golden Weapon, and second with Golden Body without golden shaders(because they not exist in beta for old Grohk)
Thanks for Concept to

11 48

Custom Golden Fernando
Skin was made without golden shaders, because they not exist for Fernando
Only for his weapon

7 40

As everyone know Golden Torvald skin broken rn, so i made two fixes, one with old normal and 2 is created new texture with new default torv
I think better will be just add old Normal for Golden skin

4 30

Made little more white, if you like this more then next skins will be with this colour palette

6 35

Custon Golden Barik
Thanks for the Concept to
His head model little different from what we had in beta
Can't make weapon and turret look better, something wrong with shaders on old Barik, only devs can fix it.

5 39

Custom Golden Classic Skye!
Thanks for concept!

13 91