Stephen is paintingさんのプロフィール画像

Stephen is paintingさんのイラストまとめ

Aussie wargamer & miniature painter, military history lover. Tweet mostly wargaming content, military history. Instagram: @Wargamingstephen.

フォロー数:3646 フォロワー数:7204

Final unit from my painting frenzy over Xmas. Shield decals save so much time and really make a unit pop. Thanks Little Big Man Studios.

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Yep, another one! This time unarmoured The bald guy in front is from the rest are & . The I believe they called, although I have seen other names.

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Some closer photos. The and the standard bearer are both . They fit in well with the miniatures size wise.

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Love the movement in this stand. Trying to depict the moment when one shield wall breaks through the other.

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Thanks for the likes for this unit, now time to look at each stand a little more closely. I call this stand the beheading! Seems appropriate.

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Here’s the army so far for the Battle of a Stamford Bridge in 2020, still a few units to go yet, but starting to look the part.

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another command figure nearly complete, just needs basing and shield transfer. He needs a name so please be creative! All used.

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Next two projects being prepared to enter the painting desk, by & heavy cavalry by the Casting Room.

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by finally complete. All on their traditional black horses. Love that these have pink facings. close ups follow below

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