

Former modeller for @CP3DOfficial | Just a person who tries too hard to be cool and spends way too much time in Teardown and Portal 2. | He/Him

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:85

Happy belated birthday, Chris! Happy to hear it was a good birthday!

(I wanted to get this birthday gift for you done yesterday but it took longer than expected.)

6 15

I've seen this sketch for a while, so recently I wanted to try my own take on the scene with the sketch as a reference, and I think it turned out pretty good.

5 24

Hey , I've been curious about something, the Mugshot Background depicts the penguin as being 3.5', but moving them more closer to the wall gives a more accurate 4' or above.
Do you by any chance know the actual canonical height of the Penguins? 🤔

6 17