

🆗 Chinese/English
📱I will post what I want (translation of CN games, maybe)
🐾無言follow sorry(´;▽;`) want to become frez with u!
😿busy these days

フォロー数:596 フォロワー数:1320

这个 认真的吗(……)

12 38

妈咪 饿饿 饭饭

14 39

做鼠标指针的红莲猫猫(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)
还可以拿来做表情包 我真棒!
提取码:65pm ​
(我只会整百度网盘了dbq 哪个大佬帮忙整到谷歌硬盘里吧)

27 69

"It's too dangerous to go outside, please take Liv meow with you"

30 80

Lucia: Liv! Don’t carry all this burden on yourself...!
Lucia: Why...! it doesn't mean that the infected of punishing is... NO!!! LIV!!!!!
Lee: I think the composition of our squad is not bad.
Lucia(Liv?I think is Lucia): Because commander is here, and everyone is here.

4 12

在舒适圈外面画画真的好累(作大死行为)希望明天能画完另一半 阿门

8 53