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Because this week marks the 50th Anniversary of @TA4BE, I find it appropriate to re-share a couple of @FelyTeachnology’s favorite sayings.
#BiligualEd #Bicultural #Spanglish
Un superpower bien chido that allows you to switch back and forth entre dos languages - Spanish & English.
Sometimes, lo mixteas, and sometimes intercambias el idioma.
Parte de nuestra cultura. Part of our identity.
#FrasesDeFely @FelyTeachnology
En español or in English or perhaps on otros idiomas, being bilingual is golden ⭐️!
Let us empower our English learners and amplify their voices por que like @FelyTeachnology says, “Ser bilingüe vale oro!”
Es como un super-poder, a superpower 🚀!
Had the great pleasure of finally meeting illustrator extraordinaire @manuelherrera33 in one of his #ISTELive sessions.
Learned about drawing as a process and building confidence in the classroom.
If a student is doodling, encourage the process.
From the mind and heart ❤️ of one of the most inspiring and admirable individuals I know… #FrasesdeFely.
“Cuando haces las cosas con amor, siempre salen bien.” - @FelyTeachnology
@CGarza0930 @FelyTeachnology Thank you greatly, Mrs. Garza...