//=time() ?>
@CourtMafia RIGHT NOW. IDC WHAT TIME IS IT THERE NOW 😈 Just one episode~ pweaaase~~?
I was wondering why my genshin characters their defense, damage etc are smh weak despite their high level?
Turned out that's because I didn't level up their artifacts oops...
Now Kaeya is the strongest one I have and MC is the 2nd 🤭
Finally started to feel so damn sleepy...Zzz...days not feeling sleepy x,x
But...my stomach...ouch...Saku's battery is 5%...Saku is switching off...
Goodnight lovelies
@Kai_the_Hero @kenziemoonbunny @xdungeondicex @MayUrushibara @MatrixIsReality Omg I have many D:
For now, these xD
@JellyofRomance @NabilahAlhabshi @yazzzmin_13 @_kurosora @Keonta_e