

Hello there. I'm Bee (They/them). Sometimes I draw stuff. Still obsessed with Phinoon.

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Slowly returning to The Elder Scrolls Online and what can I say... I missed my Argonian baby >,<

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Ah rare burst of inspiration. Take this space frog and may they bring joy to your universe

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Sometimes you just gotta do what your late night brain tells you to (:

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Sometimes you gotta mix up your fandoms, right? meets and all I can say is: Shork It's been a while since I drew but here we are.

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Soooooo is a really cool game and I am in love with Archus' design. Did this for the very friend who introduced me to the game.

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I decided to draw somethign for *me* as it is my birthday. Comfort kra'deshi and comfort OC having a happy little moment.
A lot changed in the last year for me and I am glad that I found an outlet for many things within the Griftlands fan community.

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I blame for not only planting the seeds of obsession in my brain but also cultivating them. And when I say "blame" I actually mean that I am very thankful :3 's Shadow Thief is just very nice and does not have murderous intentions.

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I thought it would be fun to merge some heroes. soo.. The Seraph and The Barbarian combined. plus a bonus hug because we need them in these times.

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So after a lot of talking with these drawings were born. Crossovers of (Phinoon and Rook) and (Shadow Thief and Tactician)
Yay for more fanart

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So introduced me to Dice Throne and I really really like it. Pictured here is one playable hero, the Shadow Thief and he does not approve of my playstyle yet.

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