

What's up my Beardos and Weirdos!

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this is so beautiful i could die

19 683

hey team!

i'd like some clarification on why my most recent Asexual Memes video was determined to be 18+ only and demonetized.

happy to work with you all to get it resolved but details were not provided. thank you!

112 2022

if you didn’t know, is commissionable for artwork, and music, and even made me a cute dancing unicorn.

i find it funny the effort they put into this when he’s literally right here.

6 218

artists have full rights to deviate from truth in their works, they even have a license to

but not a single time in my life have i met one man who does not carry as many groceries as physically possible like they’re carrying a comrade from the battlefield

841 15139

in case you’ve never seen it…

manatees “nuzzle” to show affection, which is what this one is doing when pressing their nose against the glass:

21 497

it’s not all bad out there. if i can leave you with anything, that would be this:
lgbt+ individuals around the world describing their experiences

16 299

i think we could all use a little

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