

27 / Hardware Engineer / Occasional art / We gaming
Bugsnax, Tekken, Clone Hero, Retro FPS, ImSims
pfp by @ponshroom
banner by @fungusry

フォロー数:449 フォロワー数:184

Annie is super fun probably gonna main* her now

*main in this context means fuck around with her in practice mode most of the time because no way in hell am I playing this game online lmao

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Whole internet obsessing over RE8 lady like didn't give us the ultimate tall wife

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Practicing valentine be like
Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery Major surgery ready 4 ur shots???????????

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Twitter retweets defaulting to QRTs now is REALLY messing with me

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Wait Serious Sam 4 is out today holy moly

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(3/5) (Posted III, but could pretty much say the entire series). The first and maybe only game series I could say I got "pretty good" at. Music tastes influenced heavily by II and III.

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As great as the remake is, we do know what the undisputed champ is.

I'm sorry, I do not make the rules.

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Ok Dark Queen in the new is kinda cute imo. Not a hill I'm willing to die on, but it's a nice hill to look at, I guess.

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Thinking about my favorite games this gen as it closes out (absolutely subject to change)

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