

Currently 34 years old. Artist who has been trying to do more with her art. I also really love cats.

RIP Ken Page. 01/20/1954-10/01/2024

Under 18 = Blocked

フォロー数:455 フォロワー数:2255

I'll give this a shot.

2 5

This trip ain't what Butters was quite hoping at this point.

23 149

My end of an art trade with

9 66

Trying to enjoy an afternoon picnic after a long trip in Wonderland. She ended up getting some company for it too.

13 97

... Now I need to figure out outfits for Butters to wear.

1 2

I'm drawing a blank on what else to put in this so here.

6 25

Sssshhh she's sleeping.

8 47