

Whos zero

フォロー数:665 フォロワー数:306

I would like the clothing color in red

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Welp I got more stuff to do today so I don't think ill be able to stream today but ill be able to stream tomorrow. so ill see you guys tomorrow. Im so tired XD

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So no stream today due to the amount of things I had to do and its pretty late right now. Also Im pretty tired so you guys have a good night and Ill see you guys another time.

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So due to me packing my stuff and getting ready to move there will be no streams on 11/17 and 11/18. Also when I move I wont be able to stream vr for a while because I dont think I can set up playspace with one sensor. So I am sorry for that and I hope you guys have a great day.

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Snow is the perfect time for a padoru

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You people know what time it is HueHueHue

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