

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Glasgow's own Illustrator... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #MHHSBD Made in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Grieving the loss of my beautiful wife, Susie.

フォロー数:4983 フォロワー数:4488

Until the governments can ensure that our children will be safe in school. We should not be asked to risk their lives or those of the employees of the schools, parents, grandparents, guardians. bus drivers, lollipop folk

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Despite the facts that the mystical R rate is increasing after the science led😉 evidence ⁦⁩ would have you believe that relaxing the lockdown is necessary🤔 How many deaths is too many? 384 people died yesterday in the U.K. 40,000 recorded

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Do you have a favourite nickname of one of your pals?
Mines is... “The game changer” because if he switched aff the Atari during a game. I also loved Johnny 3 tits ( he had 3 tits)and Chimney ( He once told a story about someone keeking doon a chimney)🤔

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That sounds about right. How did we end up with these Clowns?

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Any normal person can see that. Boris is racing ahead with herd immunity part 2. The VE idiots who had street parties have risked our valuable workers. Where is all the coming from for non-healthcare workers?

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why do we have the worst public broadcaster in the world. Tonight you will go full North Korea with Jackass Carsales and an attack on the Scottish government s handling of the coved pandemic.Ask Jackass why he is failing to support our government at this time of need

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You forgot... If you haven’t been Alert up till now... then be Alert now. If you see the then hide until you can safely pass at 2 meters distance. Save your granny. Don’t be a Fanny. Stay home. There is no cure for death.

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Don’t worry Boris’s Cult of Alertness has eradicated the virus... go forth and stay lucky

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