

Video editor.・Gacha goblin.・Weeb.・Occasional producer of content.・He/Him ・日本語OK・ Business: [email protected]

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That didn't take long


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I've been playing a D I S G U S T I N G amount of Senran Kagura: Estival Versus this past week and my friends, I come to you with a conundrum of the deepest level

how does ANYONE choose a best girl in this game?

I'm stuck between Haruka, Hikage, Renka and Yumi

h e l p

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all that being said, I think Bucciarati or Mista have to be my favourites

Bucciarati is just the most respectable character I've seen in a LONG time (also his ARRI ARRI ARRI is right up there with ORA and MUDA for best JoJo sound)

And Mista is just a loveable oaf lmao

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i'd say this is pretty good for a 4 character description

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wow how kind of you to grant green Naruto his childhood dream of flying like Superman

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i'm about 12 hours into my playthrough so it may be a bit late, but if I were to start streaming the rest of my Persona 3 playthrough, would people be interested in watching?

there's obviously still a shit ton of S T U F F to go through and I think it could be pretty fun!


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decided to fill in one of the many gaps in my childhood by watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh

jesus fucking christ this show did NOT age well

I'm one episode in and they've covered like an entire arc in the span of one epieode, the pacing is fucking ridiculous

dis gon b a good one

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and the award for the tweet that surprised absolutely NOBODY goes to

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