

🍊I do fanartsོོོ Thank you for enjoying my artsོོོ Pls don't repost my picture without credit sོོོova is the best [email protected]

フォロー数:457 フォロワー数:17730

It's really a lovely nickname aha?😌

272 1703

—Cypher, can you show me around the dark web?
—Oh oh dear, no sweetheart, we must protect you~

247 1307

It's a great honor to be tagged by several excellent artists, Thank you again🧡
Since there are so many good artists, it’s hard for me to choose from them…so I’d like to tag a few of my friends and show their arts to you~

42 313

There’s a gift for Killjoy……👀

265 1460

Happy Lantern Festival!
Let's have some yuanxiao~😋

230 1221

Hey,don't look down on Sova🤭
(Reading order:→)

282 1530

It happens sometimes……🌚💦

907 6520

Girls:Look! He is caring for others~🥺

119 805

I didn't expect Sova to say that to Viper……😂lol
(reading order →)

367 2203