

Runs 2 active webcomics on Tapas and Webtoons, "Satan and Me" and "Here it Comes". Thank you for the support!

フォロー数:863 フォロワー数:4481

"Post 4 fictional characters you relate to and let people assume something about you"

LMAO what an odd batch, but it's true

0 47

Like if you think the girl on the left is just as pretty as the girl on the right

6 106

Both Here it Comes and Satan and Me have coaligned to have their next updates to be BIG cliffhangers. I never timed that, but man, does it make for some fun UuU

2 136

Imagine being in love with the Devil...

15 217

Satan and Me updated! You can read it on Tapas, Webtoons, and Tumblr :)

Tapas: https://t.co/8BEcMMs7co
Webtoon: https://t.co/IPnou4slcu
Tumblr: https://t.co/PNbIe7tlEL
Patreon: https://t.co/6FmICVKFnk

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