

フリースクール運営⇨🎨不登校の学生に向けたアート特化型オンラインフリースクール開校!ご相談はDM✉️|一般社団法人Artist Oriented Tokyo(A.O.T.) Vision| “あらゆる個性に輝く場所が与えられる社会の実現”|元高校美術教師|…

フォロー数:5759 フォロワー数:7328

"NFT as ART"
🌏March 4-13th in Japan.

Exhibiting Artists

We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.
This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation.

2 21

"NFT as ART"
🌏NFT International Exhibition!

Exhibiting Artists

We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.
This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation.

2 8

"NFT as ART"
🌏NFT International Exhibition!

Exhibiting Artists


We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.
This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation.

4 15

"NFT as ART"
🌏NFT International Exhibition!

Exhibiting Artists

This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation. We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.

1 16

"NFT as ART"
🌏March 4-13th in Japan.

Exhibiting Artists # 37/50

We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.
This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation.

2 9

"NFT as ART"
🌏NFT International Exhibition!

Exhibiting Artists

This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation. We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.

2 13

"NFT as ART"
🌏March 4-13th in Japan.

Exhibiting Artists # 41/50

We are pleased to present some of the finest artists from five different countries around the world.
This is an exhibition that represents NFT as art and culture, not as speculation.

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感謝の気持ちを込めてYOSHIKI YAMAZUMIさんの作品を1名様に します!!!

✅12/3 ⏰23:59〆切

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記念協賛企画 !!


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