

20 | DBD and Fromsoftware fan | Cheryl and Nemesis main in DBD | 1245.7 hours in DBD | Art account: @articlearcheops | 🇺🇦

フォロー数:289 フォロワー数:216

I’m on a swf with some new friends right now so I can’t

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A few others because choosing only 4 was way too hard

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Sometimes you just need to talk into a mirror to hear what a real one gotta say

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Why is it so hard for them to understand why $60 is a bad deal

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Happy funky monkey friday everybody!!!

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Maybe, but I still think that his design would need to be toned down a decent bit in order to meet the E10+ rating (however, if the next Smash game were to be rated Teen like Melee and Brawl were I feel like his og design could maybe be added, given that he’s in MVC which is a T)

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I think this speaks for itself

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