

フォロー数:769 フォロワー数:532

Today’s Scarlet Witch included a story that changed the game when it comes to Storm and her relationship to Magic & Wanda Maximoff! This thread shows why I think Ororo’s long suspected, now officially displayed, magical potential is directly tied to her Divinity ⚡️🔮#Xspoilers https://t.co/OSWjEZT6j4

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Hahaha no, no she does she does. Love him and or hate him sometimes, that’s her brother. He knows to keep it cute tho! IKTR

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They say three strikes and you’re out, Vicky. F*ck around this time and find out Sweetie💋 👏🏾⚡️

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I’ve always loved scenes like this from Astonishing X-men where they subtly show you how in tune Storm is with the Earth. Ororo had to accept that Forge was lost to them and claimed to fine but then soft rain starts falling. Ellis made you put 2 and 2 together & it was beautiful.

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Currently sick and a bit delirious but honey... no ailment in the world could dampen my excitement for tomorrow ⚡️🔥💎

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