

37 male gay UK wuff, suit from @furthewinstudio, 🧡cars & motorsport🖤animals & art🧡💍 @ziongroovylion 💍💜 @osiwolfad 😈

フォロー数:1620 フォロワー数:4830
# furry

Got this as a little gift for my close friend cause when ever I do something he playfully does the Grrr and a sticker like this, so now he has his own :P thanks as always to my friend

3 18

I am trying to stop with the depressing posts, but when I feel like such utter garbage its hard, I try to give you guys your daily happy Osi post, but deep down I am broken inside and things keep happening to break me more, loss of friends, no job, life etc, pushes a wuff

4 121

The feeling inside when you know you try to keep everyone happy but just seem to fail, trying to be a good friend and one who cares, only to see things slip away. trying to hold on with both paws, but no matter how hard you try, it just seems to keep sliding

0 30


come get them

25 184

This fluff is my best friend. Without him I wouldn't be alive. Some say he shouldn't be my friend cause I'm 33 and he's 17 but he selflessly and off his own back stopped me commiting suicide. is someone who always puts others first. 1/3

4 54