

A girl that loves making things,Vegetarian, Twitch Streamer, I 💞 Music, Anime, LFC, Videogames, Gardening, anything creative & I'll never give any of it up

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:154

Watching Shuffle! On Funimation Now & loving Asa she has so much energy ❤️💕❤️

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My favourite anime dog has to be Potato from Air PEEKO💕❤️💕

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2pm show as my dad isn't a morning person lol the 12 year old in me is so excited can't wait

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I watched a few hours ago with dad. 1st time watching a new episode with him and I'm still buzzing

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Amazing Finale All aspects of this season was great from the writing 2 the mixing u guys did an awesome job cant wait 4 S3

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