


フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:21665

Long haired Ritsu. Looks a bit like Rias Gremory here. (Ofc, without the overwhelming bust). [pixiv/Interim]

8 4

Konnichiwa! Welcome to my life.

9 8

Oyasuminasai minna-san~ jaa! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

3 2

tomorrow's monday, our first day after weekends. がんばる!!(*^3^)/~♡

9 2

If Ayano is Ene.. *v*

18 7

Sasha's hairstyles. Which one do you thinks better? When she's eating bread :3

11 14

Selamat bermalam minggu~~

6 4

We all have this kind of friend

11 10

wjwfiweghersgsrg;srgfl/... sorry cant type properly..

0 0

i'll never see the sunlight again.... someone buy me this pls.

19 17