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11. Kakki characters just keep coming
Amnesia Shin

way back in PSP era i had the tsundere phase where all my oshi was tsuns and Shin was one of them, also bonus point: voiced by kakki ye he was really my cup of tea back then, is till love him now but not as much www

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10. I love character voiced by kakki phase
Wand of Fortune Lagi

Starting WoF i was eyeing him coz he was voiced by Kakki, after doing his story i can only say he's the cutest both when he's human and in baby dragon form, i just melt whenever he's nervous around Lulu it's SO CUTE

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9. another psychopath lvl oshi GREAT!
Blackish House Tougo

i hate him but love him, his route was just me hating on him and then loving him... well one of his "flaws" was doesnt understand emotions so that says a lot aye but the route was just good, kakki voicing was just GOOD!

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8. i want to beat u up but i love u
Dynamic Chord Yuki

SOOOO HE IS ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE, BUT NOT SERI OR YANG LVL OK? so he sleeps Miu just so she doesnt confess to Narumi (yes his world also spins around someone, named Narumi) even though Miu already kinda had feelings for him🖕🖕-

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5. He deserves more love squad
Olympia Soiree Kuroba

wanted to keep to 1 character per a game, didnt know if i wanted to put kuroba or akaza, so i decided KUROBA NEEDS MORE LOVE. he's one those characters i didnt pay attention to coz AKAZA IS JUST PERFECTION-

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3. ok he's a sane character (thank god)
Juuzaengi Kakouton

when i first picked up this game and played the common route he was a complete asshole who literally has his world revolve around Sousou, i honestly hated how he was, but once i went into his route i found out that-

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1. i dont think anyone would be surprised…
Piofiore no Bansho Yang

imma be honest when i first saw his design and heard his voice i was like meh he's not my cup of tea (little did i know how hard that slapped me across the face www) since i did the recommended order i kinda-

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Ride the train if you want!

-last song you listened to
-7th pic in your gallery
-some mutuals

feel free to join if u would like, I won't tag anyone ❤️❤️ https://t.co/mAzkhN1sKm

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