

Mainly as a "backup" (of sorts) to my blog.
This acc. is dedicated to otome and translation, as I am a Chinese translator.
Age 20+

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:229

Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud. I mean, he's blonde and he's the president of the U.S. 🤭😂 笑死了

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In the original Chinese he says "我叫韩野, 韩信的韩, 野蛮的野" which is a very standard way to introduce yourself. The translation is nowhere near what he says, but it kinda makes sense?
This is pretty funny though 😂

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Also, I REALLY want this bag!
I wonder if it exists...? (also, this is a real card, not fanart)

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Needless to say, I love the most recent story update to Love and Producer that came 2 days ago~

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I think this might be my favourite "Kiro" SSR card (I do not own this one)

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This is for you, , since he's your favourite. Behold my SSR card of Victor~

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This is for those who think "Kiro" is too cute and don't care for him. Look, he can be serious/brooding too~

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Too lazy to post all the new units I got from the 5th anniversary, but this one made me laugh, so here~

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1 year later and I still find this equally funny and adorable~ 好可爱哦

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