

Mainly as a "backup" (of sorts) to my blog.
This acc. is dedicated to otome and translation, as I am a Chinese translator.
Age 20+

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:229

"Just thinking about how everybody's in love with you"😂😂

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I like these dumb dumbs.
And not gonna lie, I seriously started singing that song in my head while reading that sentence, without realizing I was doing so.

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I rarely post screenshots anymore, but maybe I should start again...
So, here are a few from Hosho's route in Romance MD:

Honestly, I still don't know what to think of Sekai. I like that he's basically an element of making fun of loving 2D boys, though.

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To those wondering what's happening in IkeVamp CH right now, this is:

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Here are last year's cards:

Btw. notice that the ages of characters are completely different in the event!
"Gavin" is 20 instead of 24, "Victor" 24 instead of 28, "Lucien" 22 instead of 26 and "Kiro" 18 instead of 22.
It's a huuuuge event and really different from past 2 years

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For all those thinking you can only get limited cards with money: Spent in total 1602 free Gems. In China 2018, I spent maybe 1710 Gems to get it?
It's all about prioritizing.
+ I don't mind spending money, u should support things you love!

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I'm laughing over how Ray has a cat on his arm. I mean I know he loves cats, but the way he's holding it looks so weird 😂 Especially with the background being "in bed". And Luka reading a cookbook/cooking magazine 🤭

(From Chinese IkeRev, it's a few months old now btw)

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Are you kidding me? We've only had Ikemen Vampire for 2 months in Chinese (1 month in English) and you're already releasing Arthur? I mean, I'm happy for new routes, but this is so soon! 😱
On the other hand, I think he was released after 3 months in JP...

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So I heard someone refer to 'Mo Dao Zu Shi' as "the Chinese Ancient men show" and I instantly laughed, because that description fits 'Ci Ke Lie Zhuan' (刺客列传) so much better 🤭 It has an all-male cast and the EN title is 'Men with Sword' (MDZS has several big female roles)

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