

COMMISSIONS CLOSED|Male, 22. Amateur 3D Artist working on story named Empirefall. For Story: @EmpirefallLORE

I like martial arts and sword combat. @y_naf Simp|

フォロー数:330 フォロワー数:217

I've made a bit slow but consistent progress on Scarlett's model. I'm a bit slow with it due to work and my fright of messing her up, because she's my first female character in this new style and I want her to look as good as I did with Slayder. So extra careful with her.

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I am pretty much finished Slayder's model, all that's left is to model his mouth and then rig him. I am excited to see how this model will end up

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I made a bit more progress on the model, probably semi fixed the feet and tail shading as well as getting closer to finishing the details that I can add without applying the mirror tool. Once I do that then his arm wrapping and wrist guard will go next

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Decided to start off modeling his main outfit, I will focus on fixing his shading mainly around his feet and his tail. Once I do that and finish his outfit, I would like to focus on getting him with a posable mouth so he can have more expressions.

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I think I am satisfied and happy with his hair, took me a day less than the last time which makes me happy since last time took me 3 days as oppose to two. It was also much less headache inducing which means I am learning lots with this new model journey.

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More progress on the Slayder model, adjusted his face to look more smaller, and gave him his tied back big bun hair with small strands sticking out inspired by a commission by an artist name @/JMaximum993

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As it stands right now I am looking to make more low poly models given my very limited knowledge and me being new to 3D modeling as a whole. I am happy with where I am and I can see faintly where I wanna be for the future. Thanks for the advice!

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