Ziggy the Wedgie Boy (🎂06/06!)さんのプロフィール画像

Ziggy the Wedgie Boy (🎂06/06!)さんのイラストまとめ

Aussie otter artist specialising in wedgies, underwear, bullying, and general gay smut. 18+ only! (my age: late 20's)


フォロー数:231 フォロワー数:4125



Commission for Snallel!
Ever since I came across the original (and superior) design for Rocket Rac, I've always thought it needed a solid yank! Now said yank is finally a reality.😄

30 145

Commission for . I think you look cuter without those pesky shorts!

24 122

Commission for - their two pretty sweet bird sonas! It's like having a light mode/dark mode option.😁

23 126

Commission for Keinok! I looved drawing these big hunky boys.

48 223

Commission for . Pick your fights wisely - unless they can end like this!

35 188

Commission for Keynari!

What's Maveryk gotten himself into this time? Oh GOD it's the wet willy! Oh the humanity!

39 148

Thought it would be a great idea to flirt with a big werewolf boy... I think I'm about to be REALLY sore!

7 82

Just how short can we get before they're legally no longer shorts?

16 111