//=time() ?>
juuuusssst found...out.
thhhere...are..... almost...ex...actly. 69....yyears....
....be....tween...the...publi...cation. dates. of. "Frankenstein" and... "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
"Fran, how did you go from inexplicably high to grumbly and grumpy, to melancholic and depressed-"
("....ah. im....im just....mumbling....to myself...nnnow, aren't... I...?")
("Even with...only, my own...company.
...it's a...one-sided. conver...sation..")
I----i ........know..... bbbut.............. but,,,,,,,,,,,,, https://t.co/NmV7sxUWph
@FrillyCries @OfHisDuality ...dan...ke...schon. John.
[ she means it this time.
...and she's also absolutely making him stay anyway. ]
@FrillyCries @OfHisDuality [ Deadpan look that says "take her hand" ]
@FrillyCries @OfHisDuality ......
[ ahem ]
("This is....Lily. she prefers... "Frilly".
......Say Thank...you...to Uncle...John.")