Berserker, Fran (s-h)さんのプロフィール画像

Berserker, Fran (s-h)さんのイラストまとめ

how... ssweet. is the, af..fection. of. oth..ers. to ssuch,a
(Parody/RP. ART IS MINE,DONT USE. Srs/Joke. Sometimes18+🖊️Fai)

フォロー数:1430 フォロワー数:1729
# nsfw



<<gremlin version because it is most appropriate>>

2 1

<<categorizing the faiverse is hard>>

3 12

I didn't....realize. ssso many...people. wanted to... attend... or,

I... um, im...thankful...
...ive never....fffelt......this ..., cele...brated...ever...

and i have, someone to...share it with, too.

1 8


"My fiance, Henry" .......feels. so nnnice, to say.

0 4

[ i n h a l e ]

WE'RE ...EN..GAGED...!!!

4 20

[ the lights in the garden flicker for a good few seconds from all the emotion. ]

I,, i want to... m---mm--mmarry you, t---too...!!

[ ...Well isn't that picturesque? she hasnt cried happy tears like this in--no, this is the first time. they're finally engaged. ]

0 1


[ this real? the first thought in her head before anything else. she's waited so long for this very moment, hoping and wishing upon grails she never got to win, that she never even figured out how she should react. ]

...a. a---- I...,,


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