

Oh ya I should make a Bio
profile pic by @HiccyEventide

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:9590

crap, slept too long and almost forgot to do my saturday live stream
Sorry to everyone on the east coast, it's a bit late in the day ^^;;

3 75

Is it too much to ask for a big stronk spartan GF? lmao

77 711

TBH that's what gave me the idea for my ww1 pony pictures
I never did finish out this set ^^;;

6 64

Alright I caved and doing the trendy thing lol
Give me your honest opinion about her

16 193

I remember back in 2015 this was my first and only daki at my booth
One of like 2 or 3 vendors to sell one
I got quite a few upset people at my booth about it and some con staff would glare at me
Now they're a normal almost acceptable part of con life

9 139

WIP from the stream, super slow going >.>;;;

Y'all crazy though, would have thought you'd be tired of seeing this little bean and would rather see more cannon horses again lol

7 76

Been loving this trend, found some awesome artists
Here's my submission

19 100

She wants to know if you think she's cute, even if her hair is a bit of a mess

50 348

She doesn't have a very consistent design, still trying to figure her out ^^;;
but this is a few pics of Mocha oldest to newest

1 46