

=鸮|20↑🔞|🔞NSFW🔞|FUB free|原创+雑|東離劍:箱推し...?|杂食机性恋|ネタバレをご注意してください⚠️Spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.⚠️

フォロー数:599 フォロワー数:907

Mafia AU: Dream Team
One of the many mafia families in M City. Their goals are unclear. Many people say they just want to have fun...

3 47

Delinquents AU: the bosses
My style jumps between sketches don’t question

17 212

My mom: depression is actually a serious and terrifying problem!
Me, who’s been trying to educate her on depression for the past 3 years and has depression myself:

0 7