🧢🐸 Frogs in hats 🐸🧢さんのプロフィール画像

🧢🐸 Frogs in hats 🐸🧢さんのイラストまとめ

Creator of #InfinityTrain and the #AmongUs TV show. I post frogs in hats.

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:101712

My imdb is very short

Technically, the first movie I ever had a credit on was The Thaw (2009) starring Val Kilmer, but I wasn't credited for animation, I was credited as "centipede wrangler" https://t.co/dPK8N1Os0c

65 988

Oh so you're thinking about if we tried doing it kinda like this?

0 6

is a critically acclaimed fun romp for children of all ages and can be found as the first thing in the Sci-Fi Family Fun section on HBOMax.

65 558

lol has anyone else used Adobe Fuse? This is fantastic.

6 149

Tweet at me with your "I Voted" sticker or stub today and I will do the quickest drawing I possibly can of your pro pic. Some will turn out better than others, but I will definitely do it haha.


36 601

Couple more days to buy your merch for that special someone at Christmas and still have free shipping! https://t.co/pVrTlUKBCJ

75 444

The soundtrack is now available on all music platforms! did such a great job on this. If you like synth stuff, you're gonna love this album! Thanks so much, this is happening because YOU keep proving there's demand for it!


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