

Archived account - please follow: @Owlteria

フォロー数:86 フォロワー数:638

Just a quick work but ardyn looks good in these 👏🚮

40 82

"Don't give up on you, shortcake..." (Prompto/Aranea AU 💞)

60 86

Idk I like fashion swaps lmao

38 58

Little Ardyn (´▽`ʃƪ)♡

41 59

Ardyn/Noctis or "It's time to sin".

54 123

Bow before the king of kings.

64 113

"Even if it means I have to give up my kingdom. My life."

70 108

Eyes that see the light of expiring souls for 2000 years.

31 48

The boyfriends will never get lost. (´▽`ʃƪ)♡

124 187

