

🦙Amateur cartoonist and alpaca enthusiast. 🦙Streaming:picarto.tv/Oxfordinary 🦙 Stickers on Sale! - Ko-fi.com/Oxfordinary

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Someone asked me to draw his pokemin team from gen 1. I really liked how the colors came out!

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I’ve had some help putting up the Christmas decorations this year.

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I just found out there was a "Street Fighter VS Darkstalkers" comic series. Read it all and loved it!

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Wow. Didn’t expect such a big response! You guys are making me think I should do more.

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I saw that some of my new followers are big fans of Them’s Fightin’ Herds. Here are some of my favorite fanworks I made!

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Attempted drawing one of my favorite pokey-mans.

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I think a lot of us online artists can relate.

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