Video game writer, director, artist. Wanna be voice actor.
#ManualSamuel #HelheimHassle @mychildgame #Fruitbus #TheHolyGoshDarn
The Ozan Show on Youtube
14. Upper Alien Strength. I didn't understand this one. I took the Jigglybuff drawing and changed its head. I also gave him a t-shirt because apparently, the alien needed a pin like a certificate that he was buff. Then we named him Alihendro.
Chris donated another dollar and made me draw this character Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. Somebody said her right eye looked like a penguin and before you know it I am drawing penguins!
12. Circus Beast Master. Somebody also redeemed some Ozan Points for both no reference and left-handed drawing! Also to avoid animal cruelty we reversed the roles so the beast master is the lion.