

P1NK8CIDBOOTS is a place dedicated for all things #Alien #Aliens #Alien3 #AlienResurrection #Prometheus #AlienCovenant #AvP #AlienIsolation #AliensFireteamElite

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Yet another adaptation of in the form of comic! With the story written by we are treated to this comic novel with some stunning visuals! 1/3

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I’ve seen this book floating around for a few years but never thought to get it so receiving it as a gift was a nice surprise….and what a fun book it is! isn’t to be taken seriously, it just includes fun depictions of our friendly xeno doing everyday tasks!

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In celebration of the 35th anniversary of the 1986 film, we got treated to the one-shot comic, Aliens: Aftermath from Marvel. Not really sure how I felt about this one! I thought the artwork was fairly decent, apart from that awful glowing Xeno???? 1/2

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The story hooked me, it was nice to see a familiar face back, the introduction of the Alpha and for all the controversy, the panels did look pretty decent! Excited to see where Marvel take the Alien story in Revival! 2/2

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My favourite piece featured in the is this portrayal of Hicks and Hudson by Angel Trancon! This piece of artwork is EVERYTHING!!! It’s stunning to look at and the attention to detail is on point! Honestly I need this printing and framed ASAFP - it’s stunning! ❤️

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Artists in order:
Wolfgang LeBlanc
Dave O’Flanagan
Jason Davies

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There are over 100 pieces featured in this epic and they are ALL incredible but here are just a few of the highlights for me! I mean just look at the detail in them 👏👏👏

Artists in order:
Angel Trancon
Tony Rodriquez
Adam Stothard
Fiona McCall

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The Art and Making of Alien Covenant from Simon Ward is another beautiful book collecting some behind the scenes photos and stunning artwork for the film! I personally enjoy these prequel films and really hoping for that third film to finish of the prequel storyline!

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A few more shots that show the stunning artwork from

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