

UK 🇬🇧 - lvl 32 - Father - Pokémon TCG Youtuber & Rug Maker!

DM for custom rug enquiries :)

フォロー数:307 フォロワー数:1127

Full images of the 3 Charizards in the UPC have been released!! 😲

Absolutely love the V and Vmax! Not completely sold on the VSTAR

The Vmax looks straight out of someone's D&D game! Love it!

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Kalos artwork for today is probably my favourite so far! From my least liked region at that 😂

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Interesting that Gen 5 has 2 artworks released for today's release 👀

Gen 5 remakes announced for Pokémon day?? 🤔

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Ok this is my favourite one so far 😍

Sinnoh artwork for day 4! Look at my Ghost Bois 🤩

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Another day closer to Pokémon Day and we have the Hoenn artwork! 👀

That sneaky little Kecleon!

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I am so excited to see the full product! Please be a quad binder 🤞

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This is what getting a toddler dressed is like...

Every. Single. Time. 🤣

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One of the best things about a region based on the UK is that the first time you go into a train station the train is delayed...

Nailed it with 100% accuracy 😂😂

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New Year new look 😎

2022 is going to be a big year! 👀

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