

A shadowy boy, researching VTuber unique experiences! -
Hobby Vtuber / current PNGTuber
Content: #UmbraRising
Art : #ArtUmbra
Quotes: #UmbraOnceSaid

フォロー数:351 フォロワー数:320

It took me a bit to fit into one of these, but, it's pretty cute, right?

(Clothing trends are tricky for Umbras hehe)

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Here's a few drawing from early 2021, a moth cake as my first sketch, and Moss human face. I need to practise more humans, which is why I made a human pat art I don't think I shared, but here you go! (Plus a sneak peek at where I am up to art wise now!) Keep it up Creami! :3 <3

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Ah ha! So now I have an excuse to headpat you even more?! Its a dream come true

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And my own personal art journey, I still have a lot to learn, but these 4 help show my progress this year!

(Also this reminds me I need to finish my emotes)

Thank you all for all the support this year, I've met so many wonderful people, and had so much fun!


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aaaaa thank you for the recommendation Neen!!
Also taki I'm excited to see whoever you do doodle!

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So excited for tomorrow!!!

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Not got a lot of recent art, but here's my pat candy one from not too long ago (the bag and background were premade) and a brand new art piece made today of Pat wanting all the head pats (based on the cat pap meme).
Would love your feedback PP senpai!!!

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Here you go Runa, one cup of Goat Milk coming right up

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Cleaned it up a bit
I like the style but want to try a different style in the future

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Was planning on streaming but feeling a bit under the weather with a bit of a cold I'm just getting over, not too bad. This week I promise to (try) to get a schedule out, and to start planning for a fun week on the 22nd of November... stay tuned! Thank you for sticking around!

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