MrWizards.eth 🔺さんのプロフィール画像

MrWizards.eth 🔺さんのイラストまとめ

Photographer - Just trying to make people laugh - @illenium fanboy❤️ - @PhotoFrens_ Owner - Brolu 🔺…

フォロー数:4662 フォロワー数:5921

The only red I care about these days…🔺🔺🔺

2 11

Hope you guys get some before it’s too late…top 50 on OS trending collections with very little listed👀 Happy I got my 4 and hoping to get some more🔥📈

12 41

Who’s gonna come play Fall Guys with tonight? Starting at 6pm PST and all are welcome! These are the sick riders you could win! And I’m terrible at the game so you may win a couple of them😂 Be sure to join our discord for the code when we start!

11 26

Just moved some more NFTs over to my ledger and damn my vault is lookin' mighty fine👀 All blue chips that'll never leave this wallet💪

11 61

Wow…speechless! Never thought I’d even have an and now I have an Olu! I can’t believe it🙏 This has been my grail I’ve been praying to get lucky with! And today was that day💪 Plus the ice cream head has always been one of my favorites🔥

47 233

Still working out all the details but planning on road-tripping to NFT NYC and all of those Northeastern states! Gonna be over 60 hours of driving but I’m so excited to see everyone from my favorite communities🙏 Lemme know if I’m gonna see you there and for which community❤️🚀

9 29

Something's brewing over at , probably nothin...👀So much coming down the pipeline! 15+ riders just got swept up. My followers have definitely heard me preach, but just look into them and tell me you don't get an itch to snag a few. Art, community, future...

20 69

Thanks to the 🐐 I finally got a ! Just sent over my 4 favorite NFTs to it and they won’t ever be moving from there❤️🙏 These are amazing projects and bright futures and I’m so happy to have these secure forever🚀

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