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Hope you guys get some @menjisworld before it’s too late…top 50 on OS trending collections with very little listed👀 Happy I got my 4 and hoping to get some more🔥📈
Who’s gonna come play Fall Guys with @CrashTestNFT tonight? Starting at 6pm PST and all are welcome! These are the sick riders you could win! And I’m terrible at the game so you may win a couple of them😂 Be sure to join our discord for the code when we start!
Just moved some more NFTs over to my ledger and damn my vault is lookin' mighty fine👀 All blue chips that'll never leave this wallet💪
Wow…speechless! Never thought I’d even have an @alienfrens and now I have an Olu! I can’t believe it🙏 This has been my grail I’ve been praying to get lucky with! And today was that day💪 Plus the ice cream head has always been one of my favorites🔥 #brOLU
Still working out all the details but planning on road-tripping to NFT NYC and all of those Northeastern states! Gonna be over 60 hours of driving but I’m so excited to see everyone from my favorite communities🙏 Lemme know if I’m gonna see you there and for which community❤️🚀
Something's brewing over at @CrashTestNFT, probably nothin...👀So much coming down the pipeline! 15+ riders just got swept up. My followers have definitely heard me preach, but just look into them and tell me you don't get an itch to snag a few. Art, community, future... #CTJARMY
Thanks to the #CTJR 🐐 @the_rizzah I finally got a @Ledger! Just sent over my 4 favorite NFTs to it and they won’t ever be moving from there❤️🙏 These are amazing projects and bright futures and I’m so happy to have these secure forever🚀