Peter Dynesさんのプロフィール画像

Peter Dynesさんのイラストまとめ

MD - building climate resilient Adaptation/Mitigation through SRT (surface reflection technology) ❄️🐻 are ☘️

フォロー数:931 フォロワー数:42860

Global temperatures are at record levels in many regions of the world for this time of year. A scorching 46.3°C/116F in Touggourt (Algeria) today. 124°F at Death Valley, CA. Hothouse Earth is not the future....This is a Hothouse Earth.

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Africa is becoming intolerable in many regions due to global warming - this despite the continent being responsible for less than 4% of global emissions. Where is the climate justice here?

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The US corn belt is in for a shocker. This on top of European and Indian breadbaskets both taking huge hits this year. Remember society is only four meals away from large-scale disorder, including looting and rioting in the event of a catastrophe that disrupts the supply of food.

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The whole of North Africa is under severe heat warnings. These current temperatures are already forcing many to migrate. What will happen to this region when global average temperatures hit 1.5C? How many people will potentially be on the move?

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Here's a radical idea to cut fossil fuel emissions...stop consuming stuff you don't need...

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CO2 emissions at record levels. Methane emissions at record levels. NOx emissions at record levels. Earth’s energy imbalance at record levels = global temperatures at record levels. This is a Hothouse Earth.

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Early modeling suggests a ‘heatdome’ is building over continental Europe which could lock in sweltering temperatures for the rest of the summer. We are just getting started with this. Just how bad could this get?

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When you lower the temp differential between the Poles and the Equator - you get Rolling Rossby's - giving you ongoing weird changes in weather patterns. Modern Civilisation wasn't built on top of weird weather. Agriculture needs stable conditions for decent crop yield

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It’s 35C in London tomorrow in JUNE 2022 - 45C in Spain - 40C+ in France. What temperature is it going to be in 2040 when children born this year will be finishing their schooling?

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